The Uniparty Should Be Ashamed Of Themselves

If you don't see this Trump Hush Money Trial is a total sham and abomination of civil rights you are all full of crap! I don't ever want to hear any of your bunk about your civil rights again, you have shown your true colors and they certainly aren't red, white and blue. This is election interference plain and simple, these New York trials are nothing but an embarrassment to ALL New Yorkers. I could have told you that from my own experiences in NYC courts.

Also, my landlord has done so many things worse than Trump, as far as fraudulent business practices, falsifying records. New York Yankees, Appula Management and Manginelli Enterprises has gotten away with murdering 9 tenants and sickening others (including me). Where's all the pro-tenant politicians? The biggest phony being Ritchie Torres, but he's to deep in the Khazarian/Italian/Albanian/Houthie mafia's pocket to open his mouth.


Today they came for Trump, tomorrow it will be you. Makes me glad I'm on my way out! 


Apparently the New York Yankees and the people they give contracts to think they are above the law. In this case they got spanked! I hope they lose big every year until justice is done for me and the tenants' families, obviously the 9 dead tenants will never be able to speak for themselves.

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