Fakery At The Bakery

Did you ever get tired of phony/corrupt people putting on airs and getting ahead in life, or people who claim to be your friend/s yet do everything to you an enemy would? For me, the straw that broke the camels back was when two guys who claimed to be from the NYPD domestic counterterrorism unit (maybe they were, maybe they weren't) showed up at the bakery looking for me around Halloween. They were looking for me for three days. If they were from a counterterrorism unit their time was wasted while synagogues were on high alert due to a mass shooting, New York City was preparing for the big marathon and right before a contentious mid-term election. If this is really the case, whoever did this should be held accountable (Jeff Klein, Mark Gjonaj and Sal). The cop told me they were acting on an anonymous tip and that I was distributing Nazi flyers. There was nothing even remotely related to Nazi-ism in the flyer. The flyer exposed Senator Jeff Klein for defrauding New York State taxpayers and in the process, he helped Lawrence Hospital to cheat me out of my Workers Compensation, at $32,000. a year it amounts to over $280,000.00. This stunt was done to try to suppress our vote and to silence and scare me. Around the same time, I was also being told (by someone who was a Democratic Leader) that Congressman Joeseph Crowley and Senator Jeffrey Klein weren't on the ballot and that Assemblywoman Fernandez wasn't being challenged. If that's not an effort to keep people from the pols, what is; if Italians in Morris Park knew an Italian was running against Fernandez they may have been motivated to get out the vote.
This wasn't the first time the NYPD was weaponized against me, there were at least three other times someone filed false police reports or goaded me. For those of you who don't know, it is illegal to file a false police report (I won't go into the other times just yet). The not so funny part of this story is I had a neighborhood guy come up to me at the bakery and tell me a similar story a couple of months earlier, he's a small building owner who (like me) must have been asking all the right questions to the wrong people; in his case acting on an anonymous type a sergeant and a detective showed up at his door trying to bully him. Hmm, I see a bit of a pattern here. I've been trying to get copies of police reports filed against me (and one filed by me), I keep getting stonewalled, another symptom of a weaponized (and corrupt) NYPD; bearing in mind there was an investigation into an extortion ring involving The Lotus Flame Bar and the corruption trial of Officer Philip Banks (part of that trial involved known members of the Gambino organized crime family being chauffeured around by New York City police as well a rich Jewish jewelers being provided protection while carrying merchandise. Btw, Philip Banks was the cop who contacted me on Twitter and then kicked it over to Seargent Freer, that was about 1733 Wallace Avenue; a house that was supposedly being occupied by squatters, next thing you know I was being followed around by some Jamaican guy who was trying to get into my apartment (pretty scary stuff).

I tried to give people at the bakery the benefit of the doubt. If you have to think too hard about who your friends are, believe me they aren't your friends. As a matter of fact, when I was going to flee to Colorado Springs not-a-one person tried to talk me out of it. I'm surprised they didn't take up a collection to fly me there. What Saf did do was buy some of my equipment I was forced to sell, thanks to a corrupt Bronx Housing Court system (I filed a Crime Report with Preet Bharara's DoJ too. I reported the Judge, GAL and Court Clerk for organized crime; to this day they still have their jobs. Never once in the 4 years, I was in Bronx Housing Court did one person from the bakery write a letter in my favor or speak out against the extreme tenant harassment going on, nor express (as taxpayers) their outrage on why my landlord was getting away with 40 years of rent over-charges. Why do you think that is? They have access to lawyers who specialize in tenant/landlord issue. Its because their real shtick is real estate, anyone who hangs around here long enough knows this. They're all from Arthur Avenue (for the most part) like my landlord. My landlord was the first piece of crap from Arthur Avenue to put Section 8 tenants in Morris Park (above White Plains Road) in the 1980s, after buying the building from my father's uncle, Chick. From day one the Tenant Harassment started. The writing was on the wall. My father could have gotten Manginelli Enterprises all the tenants he wanted through St Dominics' or his job at the Department of Environmental Protection, my landlord never would rent to anyone we recommended. That's why when Mikey (from the bakery) asked me about apartments for rent, I told him "A sure way of NOT getting an apartment in my building is by mentioning the Ferony name" (even though our super is the same nationality as he is). Slowly but surely this neighborhood is being blockbusted, one house at a time, one block at a time; it took ten years for President's Row up to White Plains Road to fall, another ten from there to Bronxdale and now I'm seeing stuff go on in upper Morris park that wouldn't have flown as little as ten years ago, happening now.

Whatever little respect I had for Sal went right out the window when he had an opportunity to live in the neighborhood and thumbed his nose at it; I doubt Freakin' Finelli got cold before they were asking about buying his home, not to live in it but to flip it through a shell "Two Sisters Realty" (that told me everything I needed to know).

The Feds should find out who is doling out New York Yankees contracts and indict under RICO statutes; the people who are getting the contracts do not deserve them. Remember I have said it before, tenants were poisoned here and the dry cleaners definitely had a New York Yankees contract. I'm surprised Preet Bharara went after the pigs that had the contract for the Yankees parking garages, I guess the reason being, they squelched on a loan. Imagine the greed there? At $50.00 per car to park in their mobbed-up garages and they refused to pay the loan. SMH
All taxpayers should be pissed off, the new Yankee stadium received plenty of incentives on the tax payer's dime. The bakery uses cookies bought from a wholesaler. Let that sink in a minute; all you have to do is hang out for a while and you'll see what I mean; Harvest Bakery is one of the wholesale bakers they use.
How stupid or corrupt is their board of directors at Yankee Stadium to let some of this crap go on?

It reminds me of Lawrence Hospital's illegal abatement job, which is what started me on my physical/financial downward spiral. If what went on at Lawrence Hospital during the renovation of their lobby which was a million dollar's worth of construction (as reported in one of the local papers), that's any indication of their ethics, imagine what must have gone on while they were building the billion dollar Cancer Center? The fact that people (if you want to call them that) who are getting these contracts on Morris Park from the New York Yankees (the bakery, florist and laundromat/dry cleaners), tells me this is organized crime at it's highest level (Gambino/Lucchese). Just watch Michael Franzese on Inside The American Mob or better yet, watch the movie Doughboys (which was produced by the brother of one of Congressman Crowley's staffers) and you'll get an idea of their playbook. The mob certainly was large an in charge in Bronxville and had a presence on the board at Lawrence Hospital, running Bronxville's only gas station, taxi stand and parking garages at the time, since then more parking has been built as well as the Cancer Center (which most residents didn't want due to the increase in traffic that was already a problem). Yet our corrupt governor sees nothing! Governor Cuomo shows a pattern for turning a blind eye to organized crime. When Cuomo was Attorney General of New York he swept the Morris Park Community Association's misspending of a $250,000.00 grant under the table (this was tax payer's money, and the grant was written by one of Jeff Klein's staffer, Joe Polito) in 2005-ish. No wonder the little guy/gal can't beat these politicians in an election. How much of the grant money went back in Klein's coffers? Cuomo saw nothing while the Lawrence Hospital debacle was going on, the construction went on for nine months and the first two weeks was when the illegal asbestos removal was done. I contacted Cuomo's office and everyone I could think of (Bronxville Police Department, Town Supervisor, Albany Asbestos Board, Department of Building, Department of Labor, Westchester District Attorney ...) and countless numbers of lawyers, as well as the FBI, Department of Justice, Department of Investigation and Bronx District Attorney (both Johnson and Clark); all I get is the run-around, unless someone with a little juice and big balls steps in, this type of stuff that sends New Yorkers packing, will continue to get worse.

It goes way beyond duping Yankees fans into eating wholesale cookies at retail prices. Hiring people to work off-the-books is against the law. If I could get away with half the crap they do I'd have had a successful business too. You DO NOT have a solvent business if you rely on taking advantage of your employees (who may also be collecting welfare); and the taxpayers have to keep footing the bill for all this corruption; some people, like the tenants in my building paid with their lives, the death toll is up to about eight (give or take). People who play by the rules get tired of seeing a bunch of mob-backed crooks get ahead. Hey, if I torched my pick up truck (insurance fraud) and did an insurance job I'd be riding around in a Mercedes Benz too right now. By the way, to the stupid people who work for Sal, he's not doing you any favors by hiring you off-the-books, you're not collecting Social Security. I'm sure one call to Councilman Gjonaj can change that, then Mark can ring up his corrupt Judges at Social Security Disability or get an unethical doctor (his wife has the medical end of it covered) to help out (for a little kickback of course). So to have two NYPD waiting for me while I make Sal richer is just a drop in the bucket. On a number of occasions, my landlord had the 49th Precinct in his pocket (and I'm sure he still does), he had put in a tenant next door to me who did his tenant harassment for him and then the piece of crap filed a false police report and a false Civil Rights complaint. After my mother died he had yet another tenant start a fight with me, I live on the first floor, she comes down to my street-level apartment to start a fight with me (her brother was one of the many straw buyers of real estate too) and prior to that for a year and a half (while my mother was getting chemo) my super got away with blasting the music so load stuff was falling off my shelves. The latter incident wound up with a fight (after I couldn't take seeing my mother in tears anymore) ending with yet another NYPD incident.

It is said that the Mafia has a thousand ways to make money, well they also have a thousand ways to get at a person to drive them crazy; they did it to my father and they're trying to do it to me; they've managed to make me look bad on paper too, Councilman Ritchie Torres' insisted on me going to a FEGS doctor over my disability case; instead of having a criminal investigation into all this, why would he go against the men that pushed him through and are gunning for the privatization of NYCHA. Before he was elected I get a call from John Bonizio asking me to push Ritchie through; just to refresh your memory, John did 10 years in prison for beating a man to death with a baseball bat; so I felt pressured to help Ritchie get elected, I think Albert Alverez was running against him (I wonder if it's the same Alverez that is being accused of rape, a Governor Murphy staffer?). Bonizio was rewarded greatly for taking the rap for murder, I was told he took the fall for some mob slob; now you can't buy a pair of glasses in the Bronx without making him and the boys rich(er). John also got his brother a job in the Mayor's Office in Community Affairs, a guy who was a heroin dealer and who tried to stick his dick in me when we were both 5 years old. Someday Mayor de Blasio will find his son or daughter with that dead look in their eyes and lips of blue; I wonder if he'll like Paul Bonizio then. Did I mention Johnny is also involved in a BID (of course) that's a Business Improvement District; we just got one here on Morris Park according to my sources, headed up by Joe Hardware and an Albanian guy. I was told the person who heads-up the BID are paid $60K a year, nice work if you can get it; paid for with our tax dollars, and none of us real Morris Park people will ever benefit. You go up to the Hutch-Metro Center (another joke) and who is working there, mostly Albanians working for private doctors; that's what we can continue to expect from Mark Gjonaj and company.

And shame on the Italian American who helped push him through, a guy who told me "Would you rather have someone else?", a guy who along with Senator Jeff Klein and Congressman Joe Crowley gets to retire, they all get to ride off into the sunset together after helping rip us off. I made a solemn vow to myself to NEVER STOP TRYING TO GET JUSTICE FOR MYSELF; they screwed with my money, now I'll screw with them and theirs.
I hope it was worth the $280,000.00 in Workers Compensation you cheated me out of Senator Jeffrey Klein. Its not just that money, it's the 40 years of rent over-charges my landlord got away with, it's my Social Security Disability (since 2013), it's years of the Human Resources Administration getting away with screwing me out of benefits and garnishing my benefits since 2014 and more so, it's the defamation of character that's involved.
Montefiore which is Jeff Klein's cash-cow (remember he gave The Price Center a $750,000.00 grant a few years ago) getting away with saying I was a drug addict on my medical records, that's something I'll never be able to change; The Old Boys Network got away with making me look bad on paper. Stuff like that affects the way Judges and Juries see you in court, how employers and other doctors handle you and I'll never be able to foster a child or adopt if I wanted to do that.
All because Governor Cuomo and Senator Jeffrey Klein covered up Lawrence Hospital's defrauding New York State by helping a known Mafia sleaze-ball, Albert Pirro a Board Member (at Lawrence Hospital at the time I was working there) to do an illegal asbestos abatement job, to save money on licensing/permits. I'm a dying woman, I really don't care what happens from here on in, they know where I am, all they have to do is rattle their gold chains if they want me; Just Follow The Cigar Smoke Morris Park, just as predicted in this blog "What Happens In Lower Morris Park Doesn't Stay In Morris Park. Just like Sherman's March the greedy bastards will keep going, I already see signs of this above Bronxdale; the Church Merger of Saint Clare's and Saint Frances Xavier should have tipped you off, it's what ruined Van Nest.
Remember, It's All About The Real Estate! Hopefully, that's what will trip them all up, just ask our greedy President (whom I voted for).

If you want to help me offset the cost of mailing letters to the Department of Justice, FBI, Department of Investigation, One Police Plaza and others like newspapers outside of New York please donate to: Go Fund Me: Justice For Judy: Lawrence Hospital, getting Justice For Judy is a 7-24-365 day a week job; it will also help me get back some of the art supplies and printing equipment I lost in the shuffle of 4 years in corrupt Bronx Housing Court.
The only thing it takes for evil to prevail is when good men or women do nothing.

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