Look Here Not There

 Look up COG/JAG New York losers!

Abortionists (who vote with your twats), mafia & lackeys, corrupt cops/politicians, death jab docs/nurses/hospital & nursing home administrators, hollyweird & music industry, rainbow mob, p£do scum and especially the mainstream mockingbird media; your time is drawing near, you will not go unpunished. What we are seeing on X is drip, drip, drip, soft disclosure. I may tell you where to look but frankly, you aren't worth my time or the crap off my heel.

Just remember one thing about America (I'm not talking about the bankrupt corporation of the United States), before there was a constitution our military was established. Do your research on EOs! Oh, forgot, your brains are so full of rot, propaganda and have been brainwashed for so long (through everything we see/do) that you wouldn't know what is truth and what is fiction if it punched you in the head. 

There are so many distractions! You would be surprised what lengths people will go through (who are going down either way) to distract you from the truth. Remember when Donald Rumsfeld announced trillions where missing? How convenient that the very next day 2 planes hit 2 building then 3 buildings fell in a controlled demolition-like free fall? Nobody wants to remember those dancing Israelis that were watching the towers fall (go find the vids yourself you lazy pigs!). 9/11 & 10/7 truths are being revealed everyday.

There is a hashtag that has been strongly censored on X, TheNoticing. People are Awakening! It's about time. Now I wish you would WAKE UP on a local level and drive the Montefiore snakes out of the Bronx. These pigs are destroying us, our community and your ability to GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY! Demand Justice, for their CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY and stop supporting the politicians who are on their teats; they are bought by the Murderfiore SCUM OF THE EARTH. Non of these politicians see that for decades they have denied the imaging necessary to diagnose your cancers until they are too advanced for you to get well but early enough for them to make a ton of money on (cough, cough, wink, wink) treating you. Why are they giving women with dense breasts the same lame mammograms? Why are they telling women that ovarian cysts, fibroids and other issues are problems that go away on their own (which is what was told to me). These are issues of ALL POOR WOMEN not just the race-baiting claptrap they brainwash us in. Remember divide and conquer is their game and symbolism will be their downfall.


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