Look Here Not There
Look up COG/JAG New York losers! Abortionists (who vote with your twats), mafia & lackeys, corrupt cops/politicians, death jab docs/nurses/hospital & nursing home administrators, hollyweird & music industry, rainbow mob, p£do scum and especially the mainstream mockingbird media; your time is drawing near, you will not go unpunished. What we are seeing on X is drip, drip, drip, soft disclosure. I may tell you where to look but frankly, you aren't worth my time or the crap off my heel. Just remember one thing about America (I'm not talking about the bankrupt corporation of the United States), before there was a constitution our military was established. Do your research on EOs! Oh, forgot, your brains are so full of rot, propaganda and have been brainwashed for so long (through everything we see/do) that you wouldn't know what is truth and what is fiction if it punched you in the head. There are so many distractions! You would be surprised what lengths people wi...